Thursday, January 26, 2012

forever and then some

Oh to be back on the sand again!
 Yes, it has been for ever since I last posted, but with good reason.  I would love to say that Mark and I have been off on a round-the-world surf adventure, but sadly, that is not the case.  The day of my last post, Mark suffered a back injury.  The symptoms didn't appear for 2 days, but a fall off the surf board that day ended up with surgery 2 weeks later for a herniated disk in his back that was putting so much pressure on a nerve that he couldn't walk.  He is doing great and the nerve damage seems to be healing.  Actually the afternoon right after the surgery his leg and foot were already improving.  If he had waited any longer, the damage would have been a lot worse and permanent.

He is back to swimming at lunch time, going to the gym and just about everything else and in another month's time, his doctor will probably give him the okay to surf again.  He is thinking maybe about waiting a few months more, just to give the healing process a little more time.  No use in rushing it if it hasn't healed 100%.  He'd rather wait a few more months, rather than get out there too soon and risk injury and never be able to surf again.

It's sad to see all the surfboards and SUPs gathering dust in the garage.  The sun block and changing poncho are still in the back of his car longing to be used again.  I miss the sound of the ocean and my walks around Santa Cruz.  But I'd rather wait and have him be healthy.

So what have I been doing?  I started a class on medical assisting.  I've learned a lot and I feel much better about my first aide skills.  I've even learned how to do stitches - even though a doctor normally does them.  But I'm just saying, if you are ever with us on one of our exotic surf trips and you are in need, if I had the stuff, I could set you up!  

I have also gone back to work for a computer company....I don't do any technical stuff (that is way out of my league!) but I can manage your Outlook calendar like nobody else. 

I've also thought of a million business ideas for myself.  Hopefully the product line of one of those ideas will be premiered  here on my blog.  Yes, it is surf related!

So if you missed me, don't worry, I am back.  I hope in the next week to post more about the surf trips we have taken in the past.  I don't see enough written about the small beach towns we have visited in Mexico and I know fellow surfwidows would like to know what to expect if they visit them.

In the mean time, someone send me some sand...I miss it.

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